Events for June 30, 2024 - April 12, 2024


Pistol Mastery

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Basics, or Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Course Overview Pistol Mastery is a meticulously structured course designed for individuals aiming to achieve a high level of proficiency in pistol handling and tactics. Each month focuses on a unique aspect of pistol usage. The course covers a range of scenarios and includes movement, malfunctions and reloads, low…

Safe and Aware

Course Overview Our 2-Hour Safety and Awareness course is expertly designed to enhance your understanding and skills in personal safety, focusing on proactive strategies to prevent and respond to potential violent encounters. This course is ideal for individuals seeking to develop a strong foundation in personal safety, situational awareness, and self-defense tactics. Course Format The course combines engaging classroom instruction…

Concealed Carry Basics

Course Overview Our Skill Building Concealed Carry Course is meticulously designed to provide in-depth training on the 4-count Drawstroke, a crucial element in effective concealed carry. This course is perfect for individuals looking to refine their concealed carry skills, learn about appropriate gear, and understand the nuances of defensive shooting. It's suitable for both new and experienced concealed carry holders.…

Basic Carbine: Fundamentals of Rifle Shooting

Course Overview Prerequisites: NoneA two-hour live-fire class that introduces the student to the use of a short-range rifle platform (AR, AK, pistol caliber carbines, etc). Students will learn safe handling of their firearm, general overview of parts and how the firearm works in the classroom. On the range, students will apply safe gun handling practices while learning how to load…

Pistol Mastery

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Basics, or Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Course Overview Pistol Mastery is a meticulously structured course designed for individuals aiming to achieve a high level of proficiency in pistol handling and tactics. Each month focuses on a unique aspect of pistol usage. The course covers a range of scenarios and includes movement, malfunctions and reloads, low…

Home Defense Mastery

Recommend Prerequisite: Home Defense Basics Course Overview "Make your home a hard target!" A series of lectures and practical applications designed to help you prepare your home and household for a variety of emergencies.  Every month features a different specific focus, ranging from home invaders to riots/protests to weather emergencies.  After the lecture, the students are brought into a Realistic Training…

Advanced Pistol Mastery (Invite Only)

INVITE ONLY COURSE This course goes beyond the concepts and techniques taught in our Pistol Mastery Classes. Onsite Training at Kodiak Monthly Membership $135mo: Priced at $135 per month, this plan is perfect for those who prefer a short-term commitment. Three-Month Membership $375: This option is available for $375, which breaks down to about $125 per month after the initial…

Carbine Combatives: Defensive Carbine

Course Overview Prerequisites: Rifle familiarity (Basic Carbine class for completely new shooters) A 4-hour live-fire class that focuses on practical application of fighting rifles at short range.  Combative Carbine focuses on simple, effective techniques that are applicable for a range of dynamic conflict resolutions.  This class will give you the tools you need to get your gun in the fight…

Reflex Sight “Red Dot” Pistol Mastery S2

Course Title: Reflex Sight "Red Dot" Pistol Mastery Course Cost: $125 (Free for Training Members)Duration: 2-Hour Sessions once a week for 4 weeks Sign Up: SOLD OUT Introduction Reflex sights are cutting-edge optical devices designed to enhance shooter accuracy by offering a clear, illuminated aiming point. Unlike traditional iron sights, reflex sights do not magnify the target but instead project…

Pistol Mastery

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Basics, or Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Course Overview Pistol Mastery is a meticulously structured course designed for individuals aiming to achieve a high level of proficiency in pistol handling and tactics. Each month focuses on a unique aspect of pistol usage. The course covers a range of scenarios and includes movement, malfunctions and reloads, low…

Home Defense Basics

Course Overview Our 2-Hour Home Defense Basics course is specifically designed for individuals looking to enhance their home security and personal defense skills. This course offers practical insights into securing your home, understanding and selecting the right gear, and mastering defensive shooting techniques. It is ideal for homeowners and anyone interested in learning effective strategies for protecting their residence. Course…

WBJJ: Weapons Based Jiu-Jitsu

Weapons-Based Jiu-Jitsu Training  Our Weapons-Based Jiu-Jitsu training program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to develop practical self-defense skills in unarmed and weapon-based encounters. This course consists of weekly sessions that cycle between Jiu-Jitsu fundamentals, wrestling techniques, knife defense, firearm retention, gun disarms, and close-quarters shooting. Course Objectives: Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals: Build a strong foundation in Jiu-Jitsu techniques, focusing on leverage, control,…

Self-Defense Law

COURSE OVERVIEW Empower yourself with essential legal knowledge tailored for self-defense situations. Understanding the legal boundaries of self-defense is not just about protecting yourself or your loved ones in the moment; it's also about navigating the potential legal aftermath. Our comprehensive Self-Defense Law class provides vital insights into these aspects, ensuring that you are well-equipped to handle both the immediate…

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS)

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS) are designed to test the student’s abilities under stress. This decision making course forces the student to solve simple to complex self-defense scenarios while carrying an airsoft or UTM training pistol. However, the gun is not the answer to every conflict or fight that you may encounter. Students will also be tested on verbal, de-escalation, and/or…

Carbine Mastery

Prerequisite: Defensive Carbine, or Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) Course Overview Carbine Mastery is a specialized training program designed for individuals seeking to enhance their proficiency with carbine-style firearms, including ARs, AKs, and pistol carbines. Each class in this course focuses on a distinct aspect of carbine handling and tactics, offering a comprehensive skill set for various operational scenarios. Course Topics:…

Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check back for updates and changes. 

Range Hours

Thursday - Tuesday
11am - 7pm


Closed on the Following Holidays

New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day

Customer Service

Kodiak Firing Range & Training Facility, Inc 2019©  All rights reserved.