Events for February 17 - June 22


Carbine Mastery: Unconventional Shooting Positions

Course Overview Prerequisite: Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) Unconventional Shooting Positions is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in dynamic shooting scenarios where traditional shooting stances and positions may not be viable. In real-life encounters, shooters often find themselves in situations that demand adaptive and creative shooting solutions, including shooting from the ground and effectively…

Shotgun Mastery: Shooting on the Move

Prerequisites: Shotgun Combatives Course Overview This course will teach students how to incorporate movement when utilizing a defensive shotgun. Students will also learn how to reload on the move. Topics Date Date: 09-06-2023 Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm Sign Up Contact John Pemberton at Course Requirements COST John E. Pemberton

Carbine Combatives: Defensive Carbine

Course Overview Prerequisites: Rifle familiarity (Basic Carbine class for completely new shooters) A 4-hour live-fire class that focuses on practical application of fighting rifles at short range.  Combative Carbine focuses on simple, effective techniques that are applicable for a range of dynamic conflict resolutions.  This class will give you the tools you need to get your gun in the fight…

Basic Pistol: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Course Overview Our Basic Pistol course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of firearms safety, handling, and marksmanship skills. This comprehensive 2-Hour Basic Pistol Course, is specifically designed for first-time and new shooters. This course provides step-by-step instruction on pistol shooting fundamentals, along with essential safety and firearm law knowledge. With 1-hour of informative lecture and 1-hour…

Pistol Mastery: One-Handed Shooting

Course Overview Prerequisite: Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) “It’s a HANDgun, not a HANDSgun!” Our real-world environment often requires us to use our hands to open doors, move friendlies, or manipulate tools (flashlights!) while we are using our pistols. One-handed shooting comes with the challenge of diminished recoil management and even decreased accuracy due to the lack of additional…

Pistol Mastery: Shooting in and Around a Vehicle

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) In today's dynamic environment, a thorough understanding of self-defense isn't just limited to open spaces. Whether it's for law enforcement, security personnel, or concerned civilians, learning how to efficiently handle a firearm in and around vehicles is crucial. This specialized course dives deep into the unique challenges and tactics associated with vehicular close-quarters…

Advanced Pistol Mastery (Invite Only)

INVITE ONLY COURSE This course goes beyond the concepts and techniques taught in our Pistol Mastery Classes. WILL SMITH

Pistol Mastery: Shooting in and Around a Vehicle

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) In today's dynamic environment, a thorough understanding of self-defense isn't just limited to open spaces. Whether it's for law enforcement, security personnel, or concerned civilians, learning how to efficiently handle a firearm in and around vehicles is crucial. This specialized course dives deep into the unique challenges and tactics associated with vehicular close-quarters…

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS)

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS) are designed to test the student’s abilities under stress. This decision making course forces the student to solve simple to complex self-defense scenarios while carrying an airsoft or UTM training pistol. However, the gun is not the answer to every conflict or fight that you may encounter. Students will also be tested on verbal, de-escalation, and/or…

Pistol Mastery: Fighting in and Around a Vehicle

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) In today's dynamic environment, a thorough understanding of self-defense isn't just limited to open spaces. Whether it's for law enforcement, security personnel, or concerned civilians, learning how to efficiently handle a firearm in and around vehicles is crucial. This specialized course dives deep into the unique challenges and tactics associated with vehicular close-quarters…

Pistol Mastery: Fighting in and Around a Vehicle

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) In today's dynamic environment, a thorough understanding of self-defense isn't just limited to open spaces. Whether it's for law enforcement, security personnel, or concerned civilians, learning how to efficiently handle a firearm in and around vehicles is crucial. This specialized course dives deep into the unique challenges and tactics associated with vehicular close-quarters…

Carbine Mastery: One-Handed Shooting

Course Overview Prerequisite: Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) Rifles are made to be shot with two mostly functional hands.  Life can throw us curveballs, however, and being able to use a rifle effectively with one hand can be a valuable asset.  In this class we learn to shoot and reload a rifle with injuries or hands having to perform other tasks.…

4-hr Concealed Carry: Functional Pistol Combatives

Prerequisites: Recommended Basic Pistol Class Note: This Course does not meet the requirements to obtain a Michigan CPL Too many gun training schools spend too much of their focus on one aspect of personal protection or try to teach you tactics that only apply to Law Enforcement or Military personnel. As average citizens, we need easy to learn self-defense and…

Michigan (CPL) Concealed Pistol Class

Our comprehensive Concealed Carry Course is designed to meet and exceed the Michigan Standard to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). Our Concealed Carry Class will go over a range of specific subjects considered essential knowledge for all gun owners. We welcome students of all skill levels, even those with no prior experience with firearms. Please note, only Michigan Residents…

Pistol Mastery: Intro to Low Light

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) Humans are visually oriented creatures and predators like to use the cover of darkness. In this class we learn the advantages and disadvantages of fighting in low light to total darkness. Students will be introduced to weapons mounted lights, handheld lights, and even improvised light sources. Sign Up Contact John Pemberton at…

Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check back for updates and changes. 

Range Hours

Thursday - Tuesday
11am - 7pm


Closed on the Following Holidays

New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day

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Kodiak Firing Range & Training Facility, Inc 2019©  All rights reserved.