Events for March 1 - December 28, 2024


Pistol Mastery: Positions of Disadvantage – Guard

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) This course delves into using a pistol in close-quarters, focusing on the critical aspect of clinch fighting. As encounters in tight spaces or with an assailant grabbing or holding onto you become more prevalent in real-world situations, understanding the nuances of utilizing a pistol in such contexts is paramount. The Front Clinch Series…

Advanced Pistol Mastery (Invite Only)

INVITE ONLY COURSE This course goes beyond the concepts and techniques taught in our Pistol Mastery Classes. WILL SMITH

4-hr Concealed Carry: Functional Pistol Combatives

Prerequisites: Recommended Basic Pistol Class Note: This Course does not meet the requirements to obtain a Michigan CPL Too many gun training schools spend too much of their focus on one aspect of personal protection or try to teach you tactics that only apply to Law Enforcement or Military personnel. As average citizens, we need easy to learn self-defense and…

Pistol Mastery: Compressed Marksmanship

Course Overview Prerequisite: Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Most civilian gun fights happen at “bad breath” distance - far closer than most people practice at the range.  At this distance the gun can easily be grabbed or pushed away.  We go into detail about how to utilize a compressed shooting position that incorporates multiple indexes to align our body…

Basic Pistol: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Course Overview Our Basic Pistol course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of firearms safety, handling, and marksmanship skills. This comprehensive 2-Hour Basic Pistol Course, is specifically designed for first-time and new shooters. This course provides step-by-step instruction on pistol shooting fundamentals, along with essential safety and firearm law knowledge. With 1-hour of informative lecture and 1-hour…

Shotgun Mastery: Multiple Target Engagement and Switching Ammo Types

Prerequisites: Shotgun Combatives Course Overview The shotgun, often described as a versatile firearm multitool, presents a wide array of self-defense possibilities when engaging with targets. In this course, students will delve into the functionalities of the shotgun, especially focusing on the two primary personal defense loads: the 00 Buck and Slug. Through hands-on training, and practical demonstrations, participants will practice rapidly…

Carbine Mastery: Malfunctions & Reloads

Course Overview Prerequisite: Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) While modern firearms, especially when well-maintained and paired with high-quality ammunition, seldom experience stoppages or "jams", it is essential to be prepared for any eventuality. Furthermore, although many of today's firearms boast capacities that exceed the ammunition typically expended in standard defensive situations, one should never rely solely on these advantages. Instead, training…

Home Defense Concepts

When: Sign Up Contact John Pemberton at Course Overview Prerequisite: None "Make your home a hard target!" A series of lectures and practical applications designed to help you prepare your home and household for a variety of emergencies.  Every month features a different specific focus, ranging from home invaders to riots/protests to weather emergencies.  After the lecture, the students are…

Advanced Pistol Mastery (Invite Only)

INVITE ONLY COURSE This course goes beyond the concepts and techniques taught in our Pistol Mastery Classes. WILL SMITH

Carbine Combatives: Defensive Carbine

Course Overview Prerequisites: Rifle familiarity (Basic Carbine class for completely new shooters) A 4-hour live-fire class that focuses on practical application of fighting rifles at short range.  Combative Carbine focuses on simple, effective techniques that are applicable for a range of dynamic conflict resolutions.  This class will give you the tools you need to get your gun in the fight…

Pistol Mastery: Mobile Shooting Platform

Course Overview Prerequisite: Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Static, stationary targets are easy to hit - so don’t be one! Mobility is key to any violent encounter but accuracy can be diminished if we are not moving effectively. Students will learn rapid movement and planting to engage a target. In addition, students will learn the Combat Glide to engage…

Red Dot Pistol Mastery: Acquiring the Dot

Course Overview Prerequisite: Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) In the rapidly evolving world of firearms, the Red Dot Sight (RDS) offers shooters is tailored to arm the attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of the MRDS effectively and confidently. Whether you're entirely new to red dot sights or looking to fine-tune your existing skills,…

Concealed Carry Basics

Foundational Self-Defense Program Note: This Course does not meet the requirements to obtain a Michigan CPL Too many gun training schools spend too much of their focus on one aspect of personal protection or try to teach you tactics that only apply to Law Enforcement or Military personnel. As average citizens, we need easy to learn self-defense and defensive carry…

Basic Pistol: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Course Overview Our Basic Pistol course is designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of firearms safety, handling, and marksmanship skills. This comprehensive 2-Hour Basic Pistol Course, is specifically designed for first-time and new shooters. This course provides step-by-step instruction on pistol shooting fundamentals, along with essential safety and firearm law knowledge. With 1-hour of informative lecture and 1-hour…

Carbine Mastery: Cover & Concealment

Course Overview Prerequisite: Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) Five out of seven people that get shot live - which means they may continue to fight even after getting hit.  Seldom does a single shot stop the threat. In this class, we learn to recognize when a tactic has failed and rapidly switch to a backup plan.  Learn why “two in the…

Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check back for updates and changes. 

Range Hours

Thursday - Tuesday
11am - 7pm


Closed on the Following Holidays

New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day

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Kodiak Firing Range & Training Facility, Inc 2019©  All rights reserved.