Events for March 31, 2024 - July 29, 2024


Shotgun Mastery: Move, Plant, Shoot

Prerequisites: Shotgun Combatives Course Overview This course will teach students how to incorporate movement when utilizing a defensive shotgun. Students will also learn how to reload on the move. Topics Date Date: 04-05-2023 Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm Sign Up Contact John Pemberton at Course Requirements COST John E. Pemberton

Carbine Combatives: Defensive Carbine

Course Overview Prerequisites: Rifle familiarity (Basic Carbine class for completely new shooters) A 4-hour live-fire class that focuses on practical application of fighting rifles at short range.  Combative Carbine focuses on simple, effective techniques that are applicable for a range of dynamic conflict resolutions.  This class will give you the tools you need to get your gun in the fight…

Pistol Mastery: Cover & Concealment: Thresholds

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) Doors are commonly called the “fatal funnel” for a reason!  When we have a team to work with, there are some excellent methods to approaching thresholds that allow us to get multiple guns in the fight quickly.  By ourselves, our tactics must change if we want to prevail.  In this class we will…

Advanced Pistol Mastery (Invite Only)

INVITE ONLY COURSE This course goes beyond the concepts and techniques taught in our Pistol Mastery Classes. WILL SMITH

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS)

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS) are designed to test the student’s abilities under stress. This decision making course forces the student to solve simple to complex self-defense scenarios while carrying an airsoft or UTM training pistol. However, the gun is not the answer to every conflict or fight that you may encounter. Students will also be tested on verbal, de-escalation, and/or…

Basic Pistol: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Course Overview Our Basic Pistol course is designed to teach new and novice pistol shooters. Learn the basics of shooting a pistol. This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding on how to use a semi-automatic pistol or revolver. Basic Pistol will also teach students safety and general firearm laws.  Date: Date: 04-16-2023Time: 9am to 11am Sign Up Basic…

Carbine Mastery: Distance Management

Course Overview Prerequisite: Carbine Combatives (or instructor approval) however, and being able to use a rifle effectively with one hand can be a valuable asset. In this class we learn to shoot and reload a rifle with injuries or hands having to perform other tasks. Sign Up Date: 04-19-20223Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm Contact John Pemberton at Course Outline Course Requirements…

Michigan (CPL) Concealed Pistol Class

Our comprehensive Concealed Carry Course is designed to meet and exceed the Michigan Standard to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). Our Concealed Carry Class will go over a range of specific subjects considered essential knowledge for all gun owners. We welcome students of all skill levels, even those with no prior experience with firearms. Please note, only Michigan Residents…

Pistol Mastery: Malfunctions & Reloads

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) Modern firearms in good condition with quality ammunition rarely have stoppages (“jams”) and often have higher capacities than the “typical” gunfight requires. Training for your worst case scenario is a better plan than training for the perfect situation. In this class we learn to recognize problems without a visual indicator and reinforce immediate…

Stop the Bleed: Free Event

Motivated by the 2012 tragedy in Sandy Hook and multiple tragedies that have occurred in the ensuing years, what has become known as the Hartford Consensus was convened to bring together leaders from law enforcement, the federal government, and the medical community to improve survivability from man made or natural mass casualty events. The resulting injuries from these events generally…

Medical Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS)

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS) are designed to test the student’s abilities under stress. This decision making course forces the student to solve simple to complex self-defense scenarios while carrying an airsoft or UTM training pistol. However, the gun is not the answer to every conflict or fight that you may encounter. Students will also be tested on verbal, de-escalation, and/or…

Glock Armor’s Course

To sign up go to

Glock Operator Course Day 1

Sign up by going to,

Glock Operator Course Day 2

Sign up by going to,

Pistol Mastery: One-Handed Shooting

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) “It’s a HANDgun, not a HANDSgun!” Our real-world environment often requires us to use our hands to open doors, move friendlies, or manipulate tools (flashlights!) while we are using our pistols. One-handed shooting comes with the challenge of diminished recoil management and even decreased accuracy due to the lack of additional support. Students…

Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check back for updates and changes. 

Range Hours

Thursday - Tuesday
11am - 7pm


Closed on the Following Holidays

New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day

Customer Service

Kodiak Firing Range & Training Facility, Inc 2019©  All rights reserved.