Events for April 28 - February 10


Concealed Carry: Functional Pistol Combatives

Prerequisites: Recommended Basic Pistol Class Too many gun training schools spend too much of their focus on one aspect of personal protection or try to teach you tactics that only apply to Law Enforcement or Military personnel. As average citizens, we need easy to learn self-defense and defensive carry techniques that are both efficient and effective against realistic threats that…

Michigan Concealed Pistol Class

Our comprehensive Concealed Carry Course is designed to meet and exceed the Michigan Standard to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). Our Concealed Carry Class will go over a range of specific subjects considered essential knowledge for all gun owners. We welcome students of all skill levels, even those with no prior experience with firearms. Please note, only Michigan Residents…

Pistol Mastery: Precision Pistol

Course Overview Prerequisite: Functional Pistol Combatives (or instructor approval) Long distance self-defense with a pistol (often considered 50’ or further) is much less frequent than close range (>20’).  However, the principles of fundamental marksmanship and physical skills required for accuracy are all the same.  Being able to effectively put a round on target at 50’ means that you are able…

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS)

Realistic Training Scenarios (RTS) are designed to test the student’s abilities under stress. This decision making course forces the student to solve simple to complex self-defense scenarios while carrying an airsoft or UTM training pistol. However, the gun is not the answer to every conflict or fight that you may encounter. Students will also be tested on verbal, de-escalation, and/or…

Ladies Personal Defense Workshops: Intro to Knife Defense II

Workshop Intro to Knife Defense This course will focus on defending against a knife assault. Many times in our society we are forced to go to places that do not allow personal defense tools. We may find ourselves unarmed. This seminar provides a structured training format for students seeking to learn the critical skills to defend against a bladed assault.…

WBJJ: Fundamental Jiu Jitsu

Foundational Jiu Jitsu teaches the basic fundamentals of close quarters fighting. This curriculum focuses on introductory techniques from various positions, as well as principles and concepts that will aid in the student's development and progress. 22 Lessons 1)S: Getting into the ClinchM: Trap, Bridge, & Roll2)C: Front TakedownG: Strike Defense Series 13)C: Hook TakedownM: Staying on Top4)S: Arm DragsG: Reverse…

WBJJ: Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics builds upon our Foundational Jiu Jitsu class. Students will learn advance techniques, how to incorporate your personal safety devices, and how to defend against armed assaults. Topics Sign Up WBJJ: Foundational Jiu Jitsu Drop In Fee $15 WBJJ: Foundational Jiu Jitsu Monthly Fee $50 (2 Lessons a week) Equipment Needed

WBJJ: Fundamental Jiu Jitsu

Foundational Jiu Jitsu teaches the basic fundamentals of close quarters fighting. This curriculum focuses on introductory techniques from various positions, as well as principles and concepts that will aid in the student's development and progress. 22 Lessons 1)S: Getting into the ClinchM: Trap, Bridge, & Roll2)C: Front TakedownG: Strike Defense Series 13)C: Hook TakedownM: Staying on Top4)S: Arm DragsG: Reverse…

FREE Self-Defense Aftermath Workshop

Sign up by going to What you'll Learn⚖️ What your body will go through during a violent attack🎯 Understand the difference between freedom and a lifetime in jail.🔫 Why your judgment may be clouded after a self-defense incident✔️ What to say to the police if you pull your gun... even if you don’t fire it🎯 6 things that WILL happen when the police arrive🔫 Develop your…

WBJJ: Fundamental Jiu Jitsu

Foundational Jiu Jitsu teaches the basic fundamentals of close quarters fighting. This curriculum focuses on introductory techniques from various positions, as well as principles and concepts that will aid in the student's development and progress. 22 Lessons 1)S: Getting into the ClinchM: Trap, Bridge, & Roll2)C: Front TakedownG: Strike Defense Series 13)C: Hook TakedownM: Staying on Top4)S: Arm DragsG: Reverse…

WBJJ: Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics builds upon our Foundational Jiu Jitsu class. Students will learn advance techniques, how to incorporate your personal safety devices, and how to defend against armed assaults. Topics Sign Up WBJJ: Foundational Jiu Jitsu Drop In Fee $15 WBJJ: Foundational Jiu Jitsu Monthly Fee $50 (2 Lessons a week) Equipment Needed

WBJJ: Fundamental Jiu Jitsu

Foundational Jiu Jitsu teaches the basic fundamentals of close quarters fighting. This curriculum focuses on introductory techniques from various positions, as well as principles and concepts that will aid in the student's development and progress. 22 Lessons 1)S: Getting into the ClinchM: Trap, Bridge, & Roll2)C: Front TakedownG: Strike Defense Series 13)C: Hook TakedownM: Staying on Top4)S: Arm DragsG: Reverse…

Pistol Mastery: Cover & Concealment

Prerequisite: Concealed Carry Course (or instructor approval) Having something in between you and the person trying to kill you is always advisable - especially if it’s able to stop a bullet!  In this class we discuss the differences between cover and concealment.  We learn to become a hard target by minimizing angles of exposure while maximizing angles of fire. Sign…

Basic Pistol: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Course Overview Our Basic Pistol course is designed to teach new and novice pistol shooters. Learn the basics of shooting a pistol. This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding on how to use a semi-automatic pistol or revolver. Basic Pistol will also teach students safety and general firearm laws.  Date: Date: 04-01-2023Time: 9am to 11am Sign Up Basic…

Home Defense Concepts

When: Sign Up Contact John Pemberton at Course Overview Prerequisite: None "Make your home a hard target!" A series of lectures and practical applications designed to help you prepare your home and household for a variety of emergencies.  Every month features a different specific focus, ranging from home invaders to riots/protests to weather emergencies.  After the lecture, the students are…

Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check back for updates and changes. 

Range Hours

Thursday - Tuesday
11am - 7pm


Closed on the Following Holidays

New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day

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Kodiak Firing Range & Training Facility, Inc 2019©  All rights reserved.